Science popularization of health knowledge - Sphygmomanometer

Publish Time: 2023-05-26     Origin: Site

Blood pressure monitor is a common medical device used to measure the blood pressure of the human body. Blood pressure refers to the pressure of blood against the walls of the blood vessels during heart contraction and relaxation, usually expressed in millimeters of mercury (mmHg). High blood pressure is a common disease that, if left untreated, can lead to serious consequences such as heart disease and stroke.

There are many types of blood pressure monitors, including manual and electronic ones. Manual blood pressure monitors require doctors or nurses to use a stethoscope and a blood pressure cuff to measure blood pressure, while electronic blood pressure monitors can automatically measure blood pressure and display the results on a screen.

When using a blood pressure monitor, the following points should be noted:

  1. Rest for a while before measuring to avoid factors such as exercise or emotions that may cause high blood pressure.

  2. Choose the correct size of blood pressure cuff. Cuffs that are too small or too large can affect the measurement results.

  3. Sit up straight, with both feet flat on the ground, and place the arm on a table or armrest. The cuff should be close to the skin.

  4. Keep quiet and still during the measurement. Do not talk or move.

  5. Take multiple measurements and use the average as the final result.

Blood pressure monitor is a very important medical device that can help people detect diseases such as high blood pressure in a timely manner and take appropriate treatment measures. Therefore, we should use blood pressure monitors correctly and regularly check our own blood pressure values.

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