New research: 1.3 billion adults will suffer from diabetes by 2050(blood glucose)

Publish Time: 2023-07-03     Origin: Site

By 2021, the number of adults suffering from diabetes in the world will be about 529 million. A new study predicts that by 2050, this number will more than double to over 1.3 billion people. In the next 30 years, no country is expected to see a decline in the incidence rate of diabetes. This achievement was published in the international medical journals The Lancet and The Lancet diabetes and Endocrinology.

Experts say these data are worrisome. They believe that diabetes is growing faster than most diseases in the world, posing a major challenge to human beings and health systems.

"Diabetes is still one of the biggest public health threats today." Shiwani Agarwal of the Albert Einstein Medical College of the United States said frankly, "It is expected that in the next 30 years, the number of patients in each country, age group and gender group will increase sharply, which will pose a serious challenge to the world's health care system."

The World population Outlook released by the United Nations predicts that the world population will reach about 9.8 billion by 2050. This means that by then, one eighth to one seventh of the world's people will have diabetes.

"Most cases of diabetes belong to type 2 diabetes, which can be prevented to a large extent. If it is found and effectively managed, it can even be reversible." The author of the study told the British Guardian. "However, all the evidence shows that the prevalence of diabetes in the world is rising, mainly due to the increase of obesity caused by various factors".

The author emphasizes that racism and "regional inequality" experienced by ethnic minorities are exacerbating this crisis. "Marginalized groups" have difficulty in obtaining Essential medicines such as insulin, and their blood sugar control is worse, their quality of life is lower, and their life expectancy is shorter. In addition, the COVID-19 has exacerbated this inequality.

"The impact of social and economic factors on diabetes must be recognized, understood, and incorporated into efforts to contain the global diabetes crisis, which is crucial." One of the authors of this research, Alisha Wade, an associate professor at the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa, told the Guardian.

A previous report from the British diabetes Association showed that about 64% of British adults were overweight or obese, which led to a surge in type 2 diabetes cases. This situation is becoming increasingly common among people under the age of 40 and in areas with higher levels of poverty. In addition, factors such as age, family history, race, and weight can all affect the risk of developing the disease.

"There is an urgent need to take coordinated intergovernmental action to address the inequality in diabetes prevalence and the root causes of poverty and obesity," said Chris Asco, CEO of the association.

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