Development history of sphygmomanometer

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-05-29      Origin: Site


1.Development history: 

Blood pressure meters first appeared in the 19th century when doctors had to manually feel a patient's pulse to estimate blood pressure. However, this method had large errors, so people began developing mechanical blood pressure meters.In 1896, Italian doctor Riva-Rocci invented the first mechanical blood pressure meter, and provided reference values for normal adult blood pressure range. In 1915, Japanese doctor Korotkoff invented the auscultatory method using a cuff, which directly listens to the internal blood flow sounds inside the cuff and can clearly hear noises during systole, improving the accuracy of blood pressure measurement.

In the late 1950s, electronic blood pressure meters began to emerge. These blood pressure meters used more accurate sensors and processors, and automated the process of measuring blood pressure. Modern electronic blood pressure meters usually have more functions such as data recording and displaying average values.

2.Modern application: 

Blood pressure meters have become an indispensable device in medical institutions, pharmacies, health stations, and personal homes. Furthermore, due to the high incidence of cardiovascular diseases, more and more people are paying attention to their own blood pressure values. By using portable devices such as smartphones, wristbands, and medical health monitoring services, people can more conveniently obtain and record their blood pressure values.

3.Application prospects: 

In the future, with the continuous progress of technology, blood pressure meters will become more intelligent, portable, and accurate. For example, wearable devices will allow users to continuously monitor and automatically record blood pressure values, and blood pressure assessment systems based on artificial intelligence and big data analysis will be able to provide more personalized treatment predictions and recommendations. In addition, research on new blood pressure meters and blood pressure measurement technologies will continue to advance to achieve more portable, comfortable, and accurate blood pressure monitoring.


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